Saturday, May 25, 2013

So.......I have this job that I hate with all my being. It's not a difficult job a " Bad " job per se it just sucks. It's a call center postion. There I said it. I have been reduced to working on a fucking call center for a shitty mail order catalog and I have to field calls from the most inbred ignorant fucks alive. The place is FILTHY! I swear people have taken a shit on some of the chairs in this place. Also the keyboards are disgusting. And AND the first time I used the mouse in one of the work stattions it STUCK TO MY HAND. Not just sticky. I LIFTED my hand and the damn thing stayed GLUED TO MY HAND! Now THAT'S fucking gross. Also the breaks are retarded.... I work 8 hours so I get 3, 10 minute breaks. THAT'S when they remember to send me on break. I have another job lined up which I may or may not start on June 4th so I have ZERO motivation to go to work in this shithole. Thhere I feel a little better.